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monday.com provides a visual and customizable platform for every core aspect and any size of an organization, where teams can create and shape workflow apps to plan, run and track processes, projects and operation.mAs a web-based SaaS platform, monday.com…
Percipio is the solution that helps organizations deliver this robust learning experience while also managing learning programs and connecting learning activities to business objectives. Its platform designed to meet the needs of modern learners, using…
The Wall Street Journal
The Wall Street Journal is a business-focused, English-language international daily newspaper with covering US, Asian and European news. The Wall Street Journal delivers the latest and most authoritative business and markets news…
OECD, one of the world largest publishers of books in the fields of economics and public affairs. OECD work with governments to understand what drives economic, social and environmental change. It analyses and compare data to…
Skillsoft is the global leader in corporate learning, providing the most engaging learner experience and high-quality content. It is trusted by the world’s leading organizations, including 65 percent of the Fortune 500. Our mission is to…
Business Expert Press
Business Expert Press is dedicated to developing collections of complementary titles within specific business disciplines and across topics of interest. Each collection is led by a collection editor or professors who actively chart the strategic direction of the collection…
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